lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020


Well guys, don't get the point...   Kanye West HATES the system.  This has nothing to do with graduating from HS or College.. In fact this song is absolutely against it.  If you look closely his Diploma says "Dropout University"  He hates social norms..  Go to school, graduate, college, internship, work for company..9 to 5...  In his mind, that's the pathway for fools.  By Graduating he is achieving success originally. He doesn't need school. This song is about "graduating" from the system, and being successful following your passion.  In his case Hip-Hop.   You graduate by waking up from this normal day to day bulllshit, and making a living being free and creative.  

Hi everyone!
Today we're going to continue with Unit 6. 
Have a look at language kit on page 32 and focus your attention on the class survey. 
You have questions there and you can answer them according to the chart. 
Do taekwondo-Play tennis-Play football-Play volleyball
On the next page 33 you Will have to work on activities 6 and 7. Remember the past tense of the verb TO BE
Complete the table: Where were you last weekend?
Where were you two weeks ago?
Where were you a month ago?
Last weekend, I was  
Two weeks ago (hace dos semanas)
A month ago (hace un mes)

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