viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020

English time: Friday 29th May 2020

Good morning, boys and girls
Click on the Karoke version and sing along. Haz click en la versión karaoke. Why don't you record your performance and send it?¿Por qué no grabas tu actuación y la mandas por e-mail? That will be fun, even for you. Será divertido, también para ti. Send your performance to
1st Rehearse it (ensáyalo)
2nd Try to record it up to when you get it (Intenta grabarlo hasta que lo tengas)
3rd Show off, share it  and have fun (Presume, comparte y diviértete)

Let's exercise legs and arms

That was fun as usual!
Now open your Pupil's book. Today you are going to work on Lesson 5, page 92. Listen and read, then act it out. and remember. 3.35
Learn new things! Develop your talents!
Take out your Language Kit and open it up at page 43. Work on exercises 1, 2 and 3.

Pupil’s Book
Lesson 5

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