lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

English time: Monday 11th May 2020

Good morning, boys and girls,

Are you ready to learn?


 It won't be boring with so much fun fun fun 

Today you are going to start by opening up your pupil's book on page 85. Hoy vais a empezar por abrir el pupil's book por la página 85. 
In your notebook you have to say the complete sentences. Read the texts in the previous lesson to fill in the gaps with the required information. En tu cuaderno tienes que completar las frases. Lee los textos de la lección precedente para rellenar los huecos con la información requerida. 
Copy the dialogue in the activity 22. 
Write about a family member's favourite food and lunch
Draw a healthy lunchbox
You gotta stay healthy.
No matter what it is be active

Pupil’s  Book
Lesson 8

1 comentario:

  1. Proofe Rafa que ay que hacer bi los vídeos ahora que ago me lo esplocas ?
