viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

English time: Friday 8th May 2020

Good morning, boys and girls!
I promise (prometo)
I trust (confío)
I keep my promises (cumplo mis promesas)
I read (leo)

He promises
He trusts 
He keeps his promise
He reads

Do what you said you wanted to do and
Haz lo que dijiste que querías hacer y

everybody will trust you will trust them.
todo el mundo confiará en ti y tú confiarás en ellos.

That story was very inspiring! Now we will continue working on page 74 in your activity book. 
Work on the activity 17. It's not that difficult. You can do it!

Open up you Language Kit and work on page 40. Don't panick! It is such an easy task that I'm sure you will succeed in it! Go for it!

There is some… lettuce, cucumber, broccoli, cabbage
There are lots of... oranges, mangoes, apricots, avocados, cherries 

Have a nice weekend and enjoy yourselves!

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