viernes, 12 de junio de 2020

English time: Friday 12th June 2020

Preparados para un nuevo día, recién hecho, a estrenar (Brand new day)

Good morning, How are you? 
It's so nice to have you here with me today.
Good morning, How are you? Just fine. 
Howdy(How d'ye), howdy, how do you do? Hello, good day!
Now that we're together learning so much fun
Ahora que estamos juntos(together) aprendiendo tantas cosas divertidas 
The more of us the better
Cuantos más de nosotros(the more of us), mejor(the better)
so come on everyone
así que venid todos juntos
Good morning, How are you? 
It's so nice to have you here with me today.
Good morning, How are you? Just fine. 
Howdy, howdy, how d'you do? Hello, good day!
Now that we're together learning so much fun
The more of us the better
so come on everyone
Let's exercise and move our body with our Body Coach

Have a rest and keep up good work. Open your Activity Book on page 84. Write the vocabulary and then look and write about yourself. On page 85 you can see a Hot-air balloon and a spaceship. Write about them.
Have a nice weekend.

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