miércoles, 3 de junio de 2020

English time: Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Good morning, boys and girls
Good morning, Starshine,
The Earth says hello,
You twinkle above,
We twinkle below
Here are the lyrics for your amusement. If you feel like singing along and recording your performance, send me your contribution. That will be very fun. 

Let's exercise with your coach. Energize and grow your stamina levels, keep moving.
Rest for a while and then take out your activity book. You are going to work on Lesson 6, page 83. Listen to the audio tracks.3.39 3.40 3.41
Escucha el ejercicio 15, léelo mucho en voz alta, practica tu pronunciación, grábate y envíame tu lectura. Es muy cortito, lo sé, pero es fácil y seguro que tú también puedes hacerlo. Go for it! Never, never give it up! 

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    nope lo he escrito yoooooooo =_=
