miércoles, 10 de junio de 2020

English time: Wednesday 10th June 2020

Good morning, boys and girls!
It is English time on a beautiful day.
It's a beautiful day in this neighbourhood
A beautiful day for a neighbour
Will you be my…? Could you be my ..neighbour? Please, would you be... my neighbour?
We can play all the lowest keys on the piano at the same time,
Each one of us is precious.

Let's keep up fit with our body coach direct from the Niagara Falls in Canada. I like you the way you are. Get ready, because it will be a long training. Have fun!

Stretch and rest for a while, breathe in and breathe out. 
Continue with your Pupil's Book on page 98. Review and listen to audio 
Find the odd one out
On page 45 in your Language Kit there are two follow-up activities for you to practice on grammar.
Find the mistakes concerning the use of the verb TO BE and the -ing form verbs. Send me your feedback and comments below.
Have a nice day! Love

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